jQuery only
Auto sizing
Responsive design
Cross browser IE9+
Touch and swipe controls
Normalized images size
Keyboard and mouse controls
Preloading neighbour images
Easy setup
Mobile ready
4 build in skins
Beautiful effects
Well documented
Very quick images flipping
Old school polaroid experience
Short and readable images urls
Demo 1 Demo 2 Demo 3

Saint Petersburg views

Demo gallery

Yekaterinburg views

Demo gallery

Nice girls

Demo gallery

Controlling the gallery

Add plugin to project

Add JS and CSS files to the page

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src=""></script>

HTML plugin set up

Basic html-layout

<a href="url/to/large/image1.jpg" class="gallery-1">
    <img src="url/to/thumb1.jpg" alt="Caption 1" />
<a href="url/to/large/image2.jpg" class="gallery-1">
    <img src="url/to/thumb2.jpg" alt="Caption 2" />
<a href="url/to/large/image3.jpg" class="gallery-1">
    <img src="url/to/thumb3.jpg" alt="Caption 3" />

Img only html-layout

<img src="url/to/thumb1.jpg" data-url="url/to/large/image1.jpg" alt="Caption 1" class="gallery-2" />
<img src="url/to/thumb2.jpg" data-url="url/to/large/image2.jpg" alt="Caption 2" class="gallery-2" />
<img src="url/to/thumb3.jpg" data-url="url/to/large/image3.jpg" alt="Caption 3" class="gallery-2" />

Links only html-layout

<div data-url="url/to/large/image1.jpg" data-caption="Caption 1" class="gallery-3"></div>
<div data-url="url/to/large/image2.jpg" data-caption="Caption 2" class="gallery-3"></div>
<div data-url="url/to/large/image3.jpg" data-caption="Caption 3" class="gallery-3"></div>

JavaScript plugin set up

Basic setup

$(document).ready(function () {

Multiple galleries

$(document).ready(function () {
    $.ionPhotoZoom('.gallery-1, .gallery-2, .gallery-3');

Add new galleries later

$(document).ready(function () {
    $.ionPhotoZoom('.gallery-1, .gallery-2');
    // later

Plugin options

Images limit. Defines how many images could be on screen at the same time. Decrease this number if you experience any slow downs. Default: 25.

$.ionPhotoZoom('.gallery-1', {
    limit: 10

Use old school polaroid background texture for your images. Default: true.

$.ionPhotoZoom('.gallery-1', {
    use_polaroid: false

Will add url of every photo to web site url. Like this: This will allow you to share direct photo links. Default: true.

$.ionPhotoZoom('.gallery-1', {
    save_url: false

Set up controls skin (choose from several build in skins). Default: "metal".

$.ionPhotoZoom('.gallery-1', {
    skin: "metal" // ["dark-blue", "dark-red", "dark-yellow", "metal"]

Set up image size in pixels. Will limit image minor side to this number. Also you may set 9999 here to force image be always maximum size. Default: 0.

$.ionPhotoZoom('.gallery-1', {
    fixed_size: 300

Set up controls block position on the big screens. Default: "left".

$.ionPhotoZoom('.gallery-1', {
    controls_position: "right" // ["left", "center", "right"]

Update plugin config in runtime

You may always set default, or override old plugin options with new ones, by just calling a function with config object.
Return to gallery after pressing this button:

    skin: "dark-blue",            // set skin
    fixed_size: 250,              // limit image size
    controls_position: "center"   // move controls to center

Return to gallery after pressing this button:

    skin: "dark-red",             // change skin
    fixed_size: 450,              // change image size limit
    controls_position: "right",   // move controls to right
    limit: 5                      // limit total images to 5

Return to gallery after pressing this button:

    skin: "dark-yellow",          // change skin
    fixed_size: 9999,             // change image size limit to maximum
    limit: 1                      // limit total images to 1

Return to gallery after pressing this button:

    limit: 42,                    // revert limit
    fixed_size: 0,                // do not resize images
    skin: "metal",                // set skin to default
    controls_position: "left"     // set controls position to default